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Garbage Collection Updates


Gill's Disposal Totes are arriving. Each tote has a bar code that is assigned to an address. Do not take additional totes. Residents that have taken additional totes will be charged. Vacant properties totes will be collected by the Village. 
Do not write on totes. Totes are property of Gill's Disposal. 
Friday Sept 29th will be Waste Management (WM) final date for collection. Please leave all carts at the curb until removed by WM.
Thursday, October 5th will be the first day of collection for Gills Disposal. The new day of the week for residential garbage and recycling will be Thursday. Do not place Gills totes out for pick up until next weeks, October 5th, collection date.
For questions, please call Village of Dakota 815-449-2218 or email [email protected]
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