Water & Sewer

At the Village of Dakota, we are committed to providing safe, high quality water services to our community, while maintaining a standard of excellence in customer service and environmental conservation. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or need assistance with any matters related to the water we provide.


Lead Line Inventory

Please watch your mailboxes for this flyer in your water bill. The Illinois EPA is asking that all communities complete this survey of service line identification requests that gathers information about potential lead lines in Dakota. Your participation is essential.
Once you fill out your form, you may include it with your water bill and / or drop it off at the water payment box in front of the Dakota Village Hall. 112 E Main St.
You can also use the link to complete this form online. Lead Line Inventory Survey
If you have any questions, please call 815-449-2218 or email [email protected]






Contact Info

Village of Dakota
P O Box 162
Dakota, IL
[email protected]
Visit Website

Call Before You Dig
Visit Website

Group Members

Sewer Operator
Test Inc

Water Operator
Test Inc

Water Tester
Jeff Kluck